About the Program
Job shadowing experiences are available to high school and college students and adults who have an interest in the health-care industry and would like to observe a professional in a health-care setting. Participants must be at least 16 years of age, and may participate in up to two job shadow experiences for a total of two to four hours each. All shadowing experiences must be coordinated by Volunteer Services.
Areas Available for Shadowing:
- Non-Invasive Cardiology
- Cardiac Rehab
- Child Life *(high school students excluded from Child Life, others must provide child abuse clearance)
- Lab Testing
- Occupational Therapy
- Pharmacy
- Radiology
- Respiratory Therapy
- Ultrasound
- Nursing (downtown hospital)
* restrictions may apply
Additional Information:
- If the Volunteer Services Department must cancel or postpone a shadowing appointment, our goal is to provide approximately 24 hours’ notice.
- If, for any reason, you are unable to attend the program, please contact Volunteer Services at 717-544-5005 as soon as possible. Anyone failing to cancel will not be rescheduled.
- You will be asked to sign confidentiality statements, and provide proof of Covid and flu vaccination to protect our patients.
- Please dress appropriately and wear comfortable shoes (dress code will be provided).
- If you appear to have a contagious illness, you will be asked to contact Volunteer Services to reschedule.
Inclement Weather:
- If you are unable to travel due to the weather, please contact Volunteer Services at 717-544-5005.
- If a student’s school district has canceled school due to snow and/or ice, the shadowing experience will also be canceled for that day.
- If a student’s school day start time is delayed, Volunteer Services will assume the shadowing experience will take place that day.
To apply to Job Shadowing program, please
click here.